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How To Spend Your Alone Time

Written by Arushi Singh | Dec 26, 2021 6:50:59 AM


Spending time alone comes in many ways and forms, but before we dive into that, ask yourself - ‘Why is it important to spend time by myself?’. The answer is simple, emotional and scientific. You’re an incredible person to get to know, you’re going to be lifelong companions with yourself and it reduces stress, increases productivity while improving mental strength. 


As human beings in the era of constant communication and hustle networking, we are wired to believe that ‘me time’ is for mini self care routines and solitude is something you find only when vacationing in the mountains. Let’s break that myth right away. Solitude or spending time with yourself has nothing to do with places, people or a feeling of loneliness. It is made up of small moments where you spend time with yourself, see yourself as an actual multi dimensional human, validate those insecurities and become your ultimate hype crew. 


There are many ways to spend time by yourself mindfully and intentionally. For starters, take out 15 minutes once every week and try the following activities. 

  • Stay with your thoughts and feelings: Being physically present with your body as you meditate, watching your breathing patterns and slowly hearing the other sounds that tend to fade away is an empowering experience in itself. Sit down in a quiet place, play some instrumental music, guided audio or just put your hand on your belly and feel the rhythms of your body.
  • Emotion Check In: Take a second and think of three questions you’d ask your close friend if you were speaking to them after a few days and wanted to assess how they were doing. Ask yourself the same three questions. For starters, ‘How have you really been feeling?’ Or ‘Is there something you need to get off your chest? I am listening’. 
  • Self Care Package: Get together a few edibles, write yourself some words, put together 2/3 items of stationery, face masks and anything else to create a mini care package for the week that lies ahead. You know yourself best, and this is one of the ways to start giving back to yourself. 
  • Colour Away: Buy a colouring book or print out some colouring pages from the Internet and colour away your 15 minutes with some of your favourite songs on shuffle. This childhood activity is likely to fill you with nostalgia and relaxation.

Once you’ve got a hang on spending time with yourself in blocks of 15 minutes, try out some other activities while keeping your phone away for this duration. 

  • Warm Shower: Have a long shower, take in the scents of your bath products and allow your body muscles to loosen. If done before bedtime, warm showers help one sleep better. 
  • Explore a Place: If the situation permits, take half a day, step out of your house and re-explore a favourite corner of your city or a new place that you’ve been meaning to check out. Take photographs, stare and soak it in and people watch for a bit. 
  • Sunrises and Sunsets: If you’re a fan of new beginnings, sunrises and sunsets both stand for it. Take out time and go watch either of the magical phenomenon from your balcony. 
  • Whip It Up: Find a recipe and try it out. Add or remove something according to your instincts and feed yourself with love. 

When you spend time with yourself, you are free of the pressure to ‘be good enough company for another’, because any and everything you do for yourself counts. Start today, keep adding activities to your list and while you do that, take a few minutes to understand your strengths better.