We are going on a Modern Love date on 14th Feb at Auro Bar, Hauz Khas in New Delhi. Come join us

I told a psychologist that I feel stuck in my career and she said….


“Wake up, work, sleep, repeat?”


Feeling stuck in a career is a feeling that every working professional goes through at least once in their lifetime. This phase can make you feel demotivated, inadequate, anxious, critical, skeptical, and even frustrated with work. Questioning your own skills or the choices you’ve made is another common consequence. 

A good way to shake things up and step out of the monotony is taking a step back and assessing your work environment and what is it that’s actually causing you to feel this way. Now- hold on! We know you already have a lot of questions and thoughts running through your mind.

Let’s do a quick exercise that will help you really organize those thoughts and get a deeper insight? This tool has been specially designed by our team of psychologists and has helped over 50 people take the first step. Click here to hop on this tool and find your way out of that rut!


          Listen to the Thought Guide When I Cant Stop Overthinking... (5)-1