We are going on a Modern Love date on 14th Feb at Auro Bar, Hauz Khas in New Delhi. Come join us

“My parents aren’t proud of me…”


We all crave our parents' approval. It’s a human need. It becomes a marker that tells us that we’re on the right track of being a good person. You might feel that as adults, you don’t really ‘need’ their approval but a lack of it in the first place is still frustrating. 


Not being seen for your efforts, not hearing words of appreciation, not feeling valued and above everything, feeling like you’ve let your parents down are some of the most complex feelings to cope with. 


We understand that this is a sensitive topic and so we’ll let the expert do the talking here. Click here to listen to the most soulful thought guide curated by our team of psychologists to help you cope with this feeling. 



Remember, you’re not alone. :) 

          Listen to the Thought Guide When I Cant Stop Overthinking... (7)-1