MindPeers | Blogs

Feeling lonely in a new space? Plug in here!

Written by Team MindPeers | Jun 2, 2022 5:56:43 AM


There’s no sugarcoating this: leaving home and moving to a new place is always bittersweet and often intimidating. It’s not easy. 


A lot of us have a love-hate relationship with beginnings: we’re excited but we’re also incredibly nervous. Moving to a new place is bound to bring in feelings of loneliness and stress! While it may feel like it’s just you all by yourself in this new space, here’s a reminder that sometimes you’re all you need. 

Breathe. We’re you’re MindPeers and have a small resource for you: Hear this audio note that has been recorded by our psychologist for people going through this feeling. 

Remember, you’re not alone. :)